This is out at my mail box
God planted this rose bush.
Everything I have planted around the mailbox never comes back, Andy even bought a huge Butterfly Bush (as a horrible joke) Thankfully it never bloomed or come back!
This is an odd one! Clint bought me a Red Rose Bush in 2006, this is where I planted it, the Red Roses did not come back the next year but this did. it looks like the roses God has all over out here! So it stays!
Yellow Iris' form my mom
oops, forgot to turn this one over. I had to move all of my Iris' last fall. Smarty me got some Spearmint from my mom's old place, it took over everything! So I dug these guys up, made sure there was nothing in with them, gave them a new home and they look awesome. Oh, and I ended up with 2 hitchhiking Spearmints! grrrr
Blue Bee Balm, just got this one. It's really short! My Red Bee Balm is over 4' tall, this is not even 12"
This is Echinacea (never had this b4 either)
Not even sure what this is, I bought it from a lady down the road, she divides her plants every year and sells them for $1 so I wanted something different in my yard. Getting anxious to see this one bloom. It didn't do anything last year.
Yesterday my Peony's weren't open now today lookie what I have!!
Last year Josh's grand parents, It is a shrub Spirea (I think) the one on the right.
This came from them too, no clue what is called, it s'posedly gets over 6' with yellow flowers.
The wishing well was made for me by Leon (Judy's husband) I have about 8 different Coleus in it, Tassa bought them.
This is Tassa's, not sure what it is called, but she said it gets super huge and is a house plant. Humm seems to like being outside though.
This is the Clematis i got from my mom's old house, she also made the wooden poodles, They hold a heart between them that says HI on one side and BYE on the other