29 December 2014

18 November 2014


MDSM91 ... It's all about the Numbers!

My dad was in the Army during the Korean War. 

13 November 2014

Sleeping Powder in The Blanket

Joe was so tired he slept for more than 24 hours last weekend, Each of my critters took a turn laying by him and they would fall asleep immediately, they just didn't sleep the weekend away! lol

Andy and i were in the room watching movies, and I was stamping and what not and he never moved. Yes, i checked for a pulse occasionally! LOL

12 November 2014

MJ and Bailey

Let's create Clusters is Beth's Challenge for this week.

I used a cluster of snowflake stamps

Love my little grand babies!!

06 November 2014

MJ and Bailey Halloween 2014

MDSM89 ~ Let's Use Stripes!

Little bailey was going as Scooby Doo, but it must have been chilly cuz she became A Polar Bear
MJ makes a pretty cute Iron man 

DSP is Frightful Sight
Stamps are from Toxic Frameable

03 November 2014

Wetlands OSW

14 Cards OSW
I used a sheet from the Gingham Cottage DSP
Daffodil Delight and scraps of Tango Tangerine, Pear Pizzazz and Whisper White

MJ turns 3 this month

Mostly SU punches, Cricut (had to dust it off) for the grass and clouds

Our plan is to send him money as part OF the card each year, Bailey too. 

I have quite the stock pile of Two Dollar bills started. I wanted Silver Dollars, but Gold ones are so much easier to find. 

I CASE'd it from Pinterest, 

29 October 2014

Teresa has talent

I have 2 more pair to get pics of. 

The barrette in the back there she made for my wedding/

22 October 2014

My Road Home

For MDS Monday,

MDSM87 .. Yapha's first sketch! Took me several tries, kinda obvious since here it is Wednesday! lol

 Am I hallucinating or  do some of my circles look like eggs? LOL 

Here's my photo that I used, last weekend the trees were so pretty and colorful, now they are almost naked. The sky is so pretty. oops got the hood of my car in this one. 

17 October 2014

MDS Monday Challenge

I found a very cool Blog, with My Digital Studio Challenges, oooh right up my alley!

A background technique that could be applied to a card or scrapbook page, the herringbone technique
She even posted a link to the tutorial AWESOME! (I really needed that one)

This one turned out okay, Was just goofing around, didn't have a photo in mind when I started. The photo came after completion. I had to go search my stash for a Christmasy pic! 
Thank you Marla for always sharing  photos!

My second page, I planned around the photo, using color match to do it. All the stripes match their clothes and the blue in the sky. I really love this photo of my Uncle and his wife. 
The drop shadow shows better on this one too. 

05 September 2014

MJ and Bailey 2014

 Not all here, but somehow I lost a few pages,
 I want to get these uploaded then I will go redo the others.

My little grand-babies are so cute!

My Space

 The She Shed.