17 November 2012

Look what I got!

This gave me a bit of nostalgia this morning! LOL 
You may not get it... but remember the chain letters ppl would mail out and you had to send so many back out along with a recipe or something?  My Grama used to get them all the time and I got to re write the letter how ever many times and address envelopes for her (she always said I'd make a good Secretary!)
This Liebster Award made me think of those!

***I Googled Liebster Blog Award (mostly for the Award Image) and found this... Leibster means Dearest In German. The purpose of this award was to get unknown bloggers out there and noticed. The Blog I found was in German and Google Translate had serious issues with putting it in English for me! LOL Bird of Paradise 

I am excited that I received the Liebster Award from Brenda over at Disney Girl.  
A HUGE thanks to Brenda for passing this on to me it gave me a good memory of being a kid! And really made me think hard! LOL

The Liebster Award comes with a few rules.  Here they are: 

  • Each recipient must post 11 things about themselves.
  • Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you.
  • Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to.
  • Choose 11 people to award and send them a link to post.  Go to their page & tell them.
  • No tag backs.

Here are the eleven pieces of info about me

  1. **** I am a very nosy person! I want to always know why and how for every thing 
  2. I get annoyed when adults talk silly baby talk to children
  3. I must have a form of OCD, because I HAVE to rearrange everything frequently! My yard  my house, my dresser drawers, my blog layout and even my kingdom on Castleville! 
  4. I married a man I've known for over 20 years, but had never dated.
  5. I love home made gifts
  6. I am very into Family History and learning the old stories
  7. I love gardening, but not veggies even though I am practically a vegetarian 
  8. I am a huge sucker for a critter needing a home
  9. I can talk strangers, and even get up in front of a crowd to speak, but I get nervous in  one on one conversations
  10. I am a passive type person and can get along with many different types of ppl, but when it came to raising my kids I was more like a Drill Sargent and very strict (just ask them at times I didn't even have to say anything just look at them and they knew)
  11. I love being a motivator, cheerleader, hostess, event organizer

Here are the eleven questions for me from Brenda:

  1. What is your favorite holiday?  It used to be Easter, we would make a nice Spring Dinner and have family over. Now the kids are out of the house and living too far away and the grandparents have all passed away
  2. Why do you blog? It started as a way to show my mom my cards and gardens, and my nephew the critters.
  3. What is one thing you would like someone to know about you? I am Just Vikki to my Nephew Mike (aka Creep)  because he had an issues with the titles Auntie and Cousin  he'd call me Auntie Cousin Vikki, we think it was because my DD is his Cousin  So I stopped him one night and said.. no more Auntie or Cousin or anything, it's JUST Vikki. About an hour later he heard the Ice Cream Truck coming and come up to me "Just Vikki can we go outside?"  So much for losing titles! Thats been 9 years and I'm still "Just Vikki"
  4. If you could vacation anywhere in the world where would you go? Australia, to see Kerriann and the Great Barrier Reef
  5. If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings? Hopefully it would be enough to pay off the mortgage and put a house out here, and make sure I had a HUGE room for my stamping stuff plus a area to have ppl in here with me. Or I'd place a really big Stampin' Up! Order! 
  6. Is there any one thing in your life that you would like to do over? If I had been asked a year ago it would have been not moving to Arizona with my dad when he asked me to. Now it would be I wish I had not done recycling the day I got hurt.
  7. What accomplishment are you the most proud of? My 3 children, so many neighbors kids were being brought home by the police, or messed up with drugs. They even made it to their 20's with no babies!
  8. How would you spend a rainy day? Before I got hurt it would be spent either getting inky or rearranging, now it's spent playing Castlevile or Chefville or reading Blogs
  9. What is your favorite television show of ALL time?  Grey's Anatomy, no wait Criminal Minds, or is it the CSI's, or maybe the new Hawaii Five O 
  10. How would you spend your "perfect" day? With the windows open, house all clean, and total peace to make cards or scrap booking
  11. Have you been to Disneyland?  If so, what is your favorite attraction? Nope

I am passing the Liebster Award on to these wonderful eleven Bloggers!  
Be sure to stop by their blogs and tell them Vikki Jo sent you!

  1. What was you motivation to start your blog?
  2. What is your blog main topic?
  3. What is your favorite desert?
  4. What hobby do you like to do besides blog?
  5. If you could do something else with your life besides what you currently do, what would it be?
  6. If Time travel existed what would you use it for? 
  7. What irritates you the most when blogging?
  8. What movie do you flat-out refuse to watch, no matter how good people say it is?
  9. What toppings do you like on pizza?
  10. The toilet paper roll should it roll down from the top or from underneath?
  11. What was the worst injury you ever suffered?

Remember this award should go to blogs with under 200 followers and feel free to link back to this blog as well!!


  1. Loved getting to know you better because of your award. Have a happy Thanksgiving

  2. Congrats Liebster Girl :) :) :)

  3. Hi! I have enjoyed getting to know you better!!! Great post! Hope we meet in person in Sept.:-)


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